It's also apparently a racing incident, even when you forward Nim the PM from the guy that took you out, admitting he took you out deliberately because he thought you were someone that had wrecked his earlier race. (mistaken identity)
Sorry, but when the guy that took you out admits as much, and Nim still calls it a racing incident, then you know the system is complete bullshit.
The racing there, whilst not bad generally in the series i ran in, could be so much better if Nim wasn't such a pussy. The bloke needs his eyes testing, and needs to grow some balls when it comes to taking action.
Keep you hair on Boris! I only said I hated a film, I didn't insult your Mother
We obviously just have completely the opposite taste in movies, it's nothing personal
Just to sum up why I thought it was a pile of poo:
Plot: Was there one? I missed it if there was. It was just an excuse to throw together random action scenes. Reminded me of the single player campaign in all the recent COD games. Paper thin story just to show off a load of set pieces.
Acting: The idea to have actual SEALS doing the acting was the biggest mistake. Should have kept them strictly to a consultancy role and let actors do the job. They were terrible. I don't expect oscar worthy performances in every film, but they were worse at delivering the dialogue than most 5 year olds in their first school play.
Dialogue: Terrible. Felt like it was written by a 15 year old.
Action sequences: Sorry, I fail to see what all the fuss is about. Not bad, but nothing amazing like you're making them out to be.
There are so many better military films out there. I'll take Black Hawk Down/The Thin Red Line/Hurt Locker/Platoon/Full Metal Jacket/Saving Private Ryan, to name but a few before this pile of crap. All of them are a class above (several classes actually) Act Of Valour.
I can always rely on a DWB recommended film. I noticed Battle Royale was on netflix so i fired it up straight away. Great stuff! a solid 7.5/10
I can always rely on Boris to have the worst taste in films. So I don't know why I bothered, but I watched Act of Valor
I could write an essay length post on how bad that movie is. I seriously can't remember the last film i watched that was so awful in almost every respect. Unless you have been lobotomized I would steer well clear. It's an absolute tragedy that such an utter pile of shit has done so well. Must of been hell of a marketing campaign. I gave it 2/10 and that's being generous.
I thought these forums had become a crappy place to hang out.... then i joined iRacing and it was clear to me that the community here isn't so bad after all